Baton Rouge Broken Bones Attorney

Injuries To Bones

Bones are the body's main support structures. They play a vital role in protecting the body's organs and providing the framework for the body's shape. Bones are also the body's main source of calcium, which is essential for building and maintaining strong and healthy bones.

When bones are injured, they can be broken, fractured, dislocated, or even shattered. Bone injuries are common in accidents and can occur in a wide range of situations. These injuries can be devastating, especially when they involve bones in the spine or neck.

If you have suffered a broken bone in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, you understand the pain, trauma, and financial burden that can accompany such an injury. The experienced team at Beall & Thies, LLC is here to help. As reputable personal injury lawyers specializing in broken bones cases, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients and obtaining the compensation they deserve. With our extensive knowledge of Louisiana law and our compassionate approach to client advocacy, we strive to provide exceptional legal representation in every case.

Call 225-383-3499 to talk to a member of our team. We offer free initial consultations with no obligation and can help you determine if you have a case.

What Is A Broken Bone?

A broken bone, also known as a fracture, occurs when there is a partial or complete break in the continuity of a bone. It can happen due to various factors, such as trauma, repetitive stress, or underlying medical conditions that weaken the bone. Fractures can range from simple, where the bone is still aligned, to complex, where the bone is shattered into multiple pieces.

When a bone breaks, it can cause pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty in using or moving the affected area. Fractures are commonly diagnosed through physical examination, medical imaging such as X-rays or CT scans, and sometimes other tests like MRI scans.

Some common types of fractures include:

  • Simple fracture: Also known as a closed fracture, it is a fracture where the bone breaks but does not penetrate through the skin.
  • Compound fracture: Also called an open fracture, it occurs when the broken bone pierces the skin, leading to an increased risk of infection.
  • Greenstick fracture: Common in children, this type of fracture involves a partial break in which the bone bends but doesn't completely break.
  • Comminuted fracture: This is a severe fracture where the bone shatters into multiple fragments.
  • Hairline fracture: It refers to a tiny crack in the bone that may not be easily visible on an X-ray.
  • Stress fracture: These fractures develop over time due to repeated stress or strain on a bone, commonly seen in athletes or individuals engaged in repetitive activities.
  • Simple fracture: Also known as a closed fracture, it is a fracture where the bone breaks but does not penetrate through the skin.
  • Compound fracture: Also called an open fracture, it occurs when the broken bone pierces the skin, leading to an increased risk of infection.
  • Greenstick fracture: Common in children, this type of fracture involves a partial break in which the bone bends but doesn't completely break.
  • Comminuted fracture: This is a severe fracture where the bone shatters into multiple fragments.
  • Hairline fracture: It refers to a tiny crack in the bone that may not be easily visible on an X-ray.
  • Stress fracture: These fractures develop over time due to repeated stress or strain on a bone, commonly seen in athletes or individuals engaged in repetitive activities.

Treatment for a broken bone depends on the type and location of the fracture. It may involve immobilization with a cast, splint, or brace to keep the bone in place while it heals. In some cases, realignment of the bone (reduction) may be necessary, which can be done manually or surgically. Severe fractures may require surgical intervention, such as the insertion of screws, plates, or rods to stabilize the bone during the healing process.

With proper medical care and treatment, most broken bones heal within several weeks to a few months, depending on the individual and the specific fracture. Rehabilitation exercises and physical therapy are often recommended to restore strength, flexibility, and function to the affected area after the bone has healed.

Common Causes Of Broken Bones

At Beall & Thies, LLC, we have handled numerous broken bone cases throughout Baton Rouge and across Louisiana. Our expertise covers a wide range of fractures, including but not limited to:

  • Car Accidents: Motor vehicle collisions can result in severe impact forces, leading to fractures in different parts of the body, such as the limbs, ribs, collarbone, or spine. We have extensive experience dealing with complex car accident cases and have successfully helped our clients obtain compensation for their broken bone injuries.
  • Workplace Accidents: Accidents in the workplace can cause significant harm, including broken bones. Whether you work in construction, manufacturing, or any other industry, our team is well-versed in the legal aspects of workplace injury cases and will fight for your rights against employers, insurance companies, or any responsible party.
  • Premises Liability: Slip and fall accidents are a common cause of broken bones. Property owners and managers have a duty to maintain safe premises, and if their negligence led to your injury, we can help you pursue compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Sports and Recreational Injuries: Participating in sports or recreational activities can sometimes result in broken bones. Whether it's due to inadequate safety measures, defective equipment, or reckless behavior of others involved, our lawyers will carefully evaluate your case and determine the best legal strategy to secure the compensation you deserve.

If you or a loved one has suffered a broken bone in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, do not hesitate to reach out to Beall & Thies, LLC for legal guidance and support. Our compassionate team is here to fight for your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today at 225-383-3499 to schedule a free consultation and let us help you on the path to recovery and justice.
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